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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve found the perfect set up spot but you’re too far away or downhill from the sewer connection? Here we have a solution, whether you are boondocking or moochdocking: a macerator.
Some rigs come equipped with a macerator, but many don’t. I do suggest upgrading your RV game by purchasing a portable macerator if your rig manufacturer doesn’t supply them. Once you’ve gotten your macerator, you’re going to hook it up to your outlet or wherever your dust cap for your termination valve is when you’re ready. It runs off 12 volts, and the basic function is to blend your solids. Yes, you’re understanding that correctly- it is a poop blender.
Once you have hooked up your new blender, you will proceed to open your black tank and hook up a special 1 inch valve hose to the outage valve located on the macerator. This allows the contents of the black tank to be moved upwards of 100 feet away from the sewer connection, and even uphill.
Now, shockingly, the clean up is easier than you’d think. Conveniently located on the outside of the macerator is an inlet hook up for an easy rinse. Once you have finished draining both the black and grey tanks, you will hook up a separate hose to the inlet valve to rinse the inside out. You won’t want to forget to mark the hose you use for cleaning as you do with your other hoses. Although there is a check valve that is meant to prevent particles from entering the hose, that isn’t a risk anyone should take.
The macerator is definitely one of the best investments to make, as it is portable and allows you to set up your RV further away from the sewer connections should you have the need or want to. And, because it is a blender, it provides the force needed to dump your tank uphill!
And there’s your Tech Tip!
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