Do I need an EMS at a New RV Park?

Ingrid FeaginRV Tech Tips

Welcome to another Todd’s Two Minute Tech Tip Tuesday, brought to you by the National RV Training Academy. The largest hand-on RV training academy in America. Do you need to worry about spending the money on an Energy Management System, surge protector, or Watchdog if you’re staying at a brand new RV park? Let’s talk about it.. Even in a …

The Texan RV Park & Campus Welcomes New General Manager

Ingrid FeaginPress Releases

ATHENS, Texas –The Texan RV Park & Campus, which serves as headquarters for the National RV Training Academy (NRVTA), announced today that a new general manager is responsible for campus facilities. Betty Grant started in her new role in October. As general manager, she will oversee all aspects of RV park management, such as reservations, guest check-in and billing. She …

Making Thanksgiving Dinner in your RV

Ingrid FeaginRV Tech Tips

Welcome to another one of Todd’s Tech Tips! Brought to you by the National RV Training Academy. The largest hands-on RV training academy in America.  TODD “Hey now, it’s day two of our cooking series, let’s go ahead and show you how to prepare that turkey in an RV. Or just cooking with a turkey breast so what I’m going …

Alliance RV features NRVTA training at an owner empowerment rally in Texas

Tony FlammiaPress Releases

ATHENS, Texas – Alliance RV conducted an owner-empowerment event at the National RV Training Academy’s (NRVTA) Big Red Schoolhouse Oct. 31 to Nov. 4, the firms announced today.  A total of 46 Alliance RV owners joined NRVTA’s weeklong RV Fundamentals class to learn more about their coaches and how to perform basic maintenance on their RVs.  The RV owners parked …

4 Essential Components to Charge my RV Batteries with Solar

Ingrid FeaginRV Tech Tips

Welcome to another Todd’s Two Minute Tech Tip Tuesday, brought to you by the National RV Training Academy.  Here are the 4 items you need to hook up your battery to your solar panel:  Solar panels Now, they don’t send the voltage down to your battery. Solar panels are designed to catch a maximum amount of voltage depending on sun …

Use your RV Water Pump when Hooked up to Water?

Ingrid FeaginRV Tech Tips

Welcome to another Todd’s Two Minute Tech Tip Tuesday, brought to you by the National RV Training Academy. The only academy that give you the credentials to become a certified RV technician and/or inspector.  Let’s set the scene:  Do you ever have a problem where you go to an RV park and either have too much pressure or not enough? …

Garrett -1

NRVTA Promotes Syfrett to Digital Media Manager

Ingrid FeaginPress Releases

ATHENS, Texas – The National RV Training Academy (NRVTA) today announced it promoted Garrett Syfrett to the newly-created position of Digital Media Manager. The move was in response to increased video production projects at the school in addition to more content being produced for social media channels, said Tony Flammia, NRVTA’s director of sales and marketing. Syfrett was hired in …

Which RV Battery is best for you? 

Ingrid FeaginRV Tech Tips

Welcome to another Todd’s Two Minute Tech Tip Tuesday, brought to you by the National RV Training Academy. The largest hand-on RV training academy in America.  So you’re considering moving from your standard Lead Acid batteries over to lithium or AGM? Let’s look over a couple of things you need to consider before making that change.  Cost In order to …

NRVTA - Hands-on training

NRVTA releases 2023 course schedule

Ingrid FeaginPress Releases

ATHENS, Texas – The National RV Training Academy (NRVTA) today released its 2023 course schedule for its four approved programs that offer certification training for RV technicians and inspectors. Certification programs all begin with RV Fundamentals as the basic maintenance training class for people becoming RV technicians, inspectors or RV owners. RV owners utilize the training to perform their own …

30amp VS 50amp Power

Ingrid FeaginRV Tech Tips

Welcome to another Todd’s Two Minute Tech Tip Tuesday, brought to you by the National RV Training Academy. The largest hands-on RV training academy in America. Let’s talk power To set the stage, your wife is in the bathroom blowdrying her hair and you’re in the kitchen brewing coffee. You decide to use the microwave and as soon as you …