In today’s Tech Tip, we are going to discuss how to check and maintain your RV’s roof seals. The rain showers have passed, the roof is dry and guess what’s taking place upon your roof? The sealants are beginning to dry, crack and shrink. You see, most sealants are made with acrylic, and that acrylic is water based and because …
RV Hacks Q&A
Hey guys! So just a head’s up, if you leave questions in the comments of our YouTube channel we try our best to answer them. So if you haven’t already, head over to the NRVTA YouTube channel and click subscribe and ask in the comments! Today I’ve picked a few questions and thought we would do an RV Hack Q&A: …
Remove RV tank black odor
Let’s go ahead and talk about eliminating that odor coming from our tank. Now if you haven’t seen our other video, I’ve already discussed a product, Unique Marine Digest-It, that will break down solids inside your holding tank. Digest-It is actually a bacteria that’s poured into the tank and breaks down the solids. Well here is where that funky odor …
Cold weather RVing tips
So, let’s say you end up in a sudden freeze like we experienced in Texas in February of 2021. You may actually have a frozen situation before you’re able to turn on your furnace. One thing to consider with dauber screens is that they can freeze. What will take place is that your furnace will come on for about 15-20 …
How to choose an RV
Today we are going to cover the 5 things you need to consider before purchasing your first RV. Now, the first thing I need to say is the jig is up; there’s no such thing as the perfect RV. That being said, here’s a few important considerations to make before making the purchase. Usually the first thing most people do …
Propane dust cap
So it’s cold, and now we are running out of propane often. I know we’ve talked a little bit about propane, but I want to discuss the all-important propane dust cap with you, which is this right here: So, why is this so important? What does dust do? Well, since it’s wet outside, it’s not just a dust cap; it …
Common RV refrigerator issues
Here we have a couple of tips to keep your refrigerator running in top condition during the hot summer months! The first thing to be aware of is that heat must be created in order to produce cold air. This is why there is a burner assembly behind the unit, whether it is hooked up to propane or electricity. Make …
Common RV toilet issues
All right, let’s go ahead and talk about a crappy situation- the RV style toilet. First off, these are not like our home toilets that are made of porcelain. In a lot of cases these are made of plastic. So, we definitely want to make sure we’re careful when we sit on them. There’s a couple of things I want …
Using a generator with solar
On this weeks’ Tech Tip Tuesday, let’s talk about the portable and ever versatile generator. Now, I have been going over information and giving tips and I’m getting some questions about heavy loads, generators and solar, such as “How can you say solar can run air conditioning?” Well, it can and it all depends on how big your budget is. …
How much solar do you need?
So you’re still thinking about jumping into solar, but how much do you need? You hear people ask, “How many watts do you have on your roof?” Well, what they mean is, “How much potential power do you have to recharge your batteries?” You see, solar panels are there to recharge your batteries, not provide power to them. The question …